Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Face of Others

I made many changes to the origional image i selected. I first started off with a woman's headshot, then found other pictures and cropped them and added them to her face so there are many different people and colours to get the message across for racism. I think what pleases me the most about the technical quality of my work is that I have different sizes and shapes of the different facial features. The part that displeases me most about the quality of my work is that I used the same tool over and over again. I didnt use any of the more challenging tools like the lasso tool, I only used the crop tool. During this task, I learned how to scale down the sizes to match the image as close as possible to make it seem more realistic. I also had to find the right angle of the people's faces when i was looking for images so i could crop something out so it didnt look like it was on the wrong part of her face. The message that I hope to convey in this collage is that there are many different people around the world and different religions and inside we are all alike so we should't discriminate others for what we see. The emotional response I hope to elicit is to get the word across that we really need to do something about the way we look at others. To improve on this image, I would have liked to find a chin with a beard or something to make it more interesting.

1 comment:

jwoodley said...

i like your art because it shows how people really are in the world and it's nice the way you put the faces togther in your collage