Monday, November 5, 2007

PAGE - Reflections

Here is a list of all the steps, in sequence, of how I accomplished this project:
- First, we had to choose a topic for the assignment
- Decided on a driving question
- Gathered and researched on the topic we chose
- Started on google earth
- Made a placemark on google earth
- Did a write up in our placemark using the researched we gathered on our topic
- Collected images off the internet, and used magazine and newspapers images to use for a slideshow or video for our placemark
- Copied and pasted the HTML code into the KML file
- Went through HTML code and cut out parts we needed to cut out, and copied our own work into the parts so it was our topic, not Peter's
- Uploaded our pictures
- Uploaded our links to websites
- Uploaded our video or slideshow

I am thrilled with my work because at the beginning of the unit, I thought this was going to be a hard task, but after getting help from people, it really wasn't as bad as I thought. I am also happy with my work because I think the final part looked pretty good.

I never thought I would be able to use google earth and make my own placemark and put my own research into it. I never knew you could put video's or slideshow's into google earth, and I had a fun time collecting the pictures and making the slideshow.

The thing that was most difficult, I thought, was going through the HTML code and cutting out the parts that needed to be cut out, and replacing it with the information that I collected. It was hard to go through and know what needed to be taken out, and what parts of the code needed to stay.